Kelly Borchers McBeth

owner // broker


I am an independent health insurance broker in Boise, Idaho and owner of Borchers insurance. I specialize in Medicare, Individual and Small Business health insurance.

My goal is to make things easier for you and provide clear and accurate information that will help you confidently plan for your health and financial future and gain peace of mind.

I am a graduate of Vanderbilt University and grew up in Boise, Idaho and I am passionate about my community and the clients I get to serve.

In my free time, I enjoy traveling, cooking, and spending time outside in Idaho with my family and my dog, Bo.

Contact Kelly


phone: 208-283-9448

Marci Jones

administrative assistant


I am the administrative assistant here at Borchers Insurance. I enjoy the behind the scenes work and also the personal connection that I get to establish with clients. Iā€™m looking forward to learning more about the ins and out of insurance to better assist our clients. 

In my free time I enjoy trying new restaurants, reading, hiking and spending time with my husband and little love, Lou! 

Contact Marci


phone: 208-510-6295

Looking forward to meeting with you!